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Lieder zwischen Himmel & Erde

Lieder zwischen Himmel & Erde

das zweite Album von "Peti Songcatcher & friends" [Preis: 20 €]

Ich möchte die von mir auf Reisen entdeckten & gesammelten Lieder nicht nur in meinem Singkreis oder bei Auftritten singen, sondern diese Chants auch weltweit zum Anhören & Mitsingen teilen – und im Booklet die Geschichten zu den Liedern erzählen.

Die CD ist im Mai 2014 erschienen. Ihre ganz eigene Sicht darauf erzählt Curtis Nike - hier ihre Rezension!
Rezension Curtis Nike - Juli 2014.pdf

Musikalisch wird das Projekt getragen von Paula Noske (Gesang, Gitarre, Trommel, perc; Rhythmik, Arrangements & Mix), Duke Meyer (Aufnahmeleitung, Arrangements & Mix; Bass, Gitarre, Trommel, Mundharmonika, Gesang) & mir (Gesang, Arrangements & Mix).

Gesanglich unterstützen uns Karin Makrickas, Diana Dunstheimer, Franzy Dunstheimer & Anja Fahrenberg ("Fire transform me – slight return“) sowie Judith Zell ("Spirit I love you"). Michele Broszio half Paula und mir, unsere Aussprache der auf spanisch gesungenen Lieder zu optimieren. In „When you were born“ sind Karans stimmungsvolle Flötentöne zu hören. Alexandre Barbry zauberte berückende Didgeridootöne und trommelte auf der Djembe, was das Zeug hielt. Anja entlockte ihrer Harfe traumhaft schöne Klänge - und Manolin Fahrenberg erdete uns wiederum mit den Rhythmen seiner Bodhran.
MP3 samples
making of
Startnext Video


Music: Songcatcher & friends, produced on CD "Lieder zwischen Himmel & Erde", 2014
Photos: Peti Songcatcher; Nicole Seiser, Luke Brohman, Mostafa Naguip as marked and credited.
Cut: Many thanks to Duke Meyer - you rock!

Nicole Seiser - [start image]
Luke Brohman - [photo "deep bow" @ "When you were born"]
Mostafa Naguip - Photo Shop Studios, Port Said, Egypt [end credits]

© Peti Songcatcher 2021

Dedicated to JP Hartsong, Rebecca Tidewalker and to my dear parents Edith & Erich Dannemann.

Many thanks for support, collaboration & love to my amazing International Reclaiming Community [] and to all brilliant people, especially women, who work for the Goddess and celebrate Goddessconferences in the world. Blessed be.
Special thanks to all the lovely people who have given me shelter and food during my travels over the years. Thank you for your time, energy, joy, love, laughter and leading me to the places of your heart.


More information about locations and events belonging to the pictures, in the order of appearance:

[1] Goddessconference Vienna, Austria, 2018; (© Nicole Seiser)
[2] Photographed from the plane, Brisbane, Queensland, Australia, 2017
[3] EarthSong WitchCamp, Victoria, Australia, 2014;
["... held on Dja Dja Wurrung Country, set amongst the river red gums and rolling green hills of country Victoria."]
[4] CloudCatcher Reclaiming Witchcamp, Queensland, Australia, 2017;
["CloudCatcher WitchCamp is held each year on unceded Aboriginal land. We acknowledge the Yugambeh and Bundjalung Peoples, who—in the North and in the South—have cultivated and sustained the Dreaming of this vast and sacred landscape for tens of thousands of years. We pay our respects to the Elders of this Land, past, present, and emerging, and honour the Dreaming of this Country."]
[5] Bitterroot Valley, Montana, USA, 2018; hiking with Cypress
[6] California Witchcamp, Mendocino Woodlands, California, USA, 2010;
[7] DragonRise Witchcamp, Wildways on the borle, Shropshire, UK, 2019;
[8] CloudCatcher Reclaiming Witchcamp, Queensland, Australia, 2017
[9] BC Witchcamp, Evans Lake, Canada, 2015;
["We acknowledge this land that we come together on is unceded Skwxwú7mesh (Squamish) Territory."]
[10] Bavaria, Germany, 2019; hiking with © tiger
[11] EarthSong WitchCamp, Victoria, Australia, 2014
[12] Vermont Witchcamp; USA, 2018;
[13] Northern part of Germany, Petis home, 2018
[14] California Witchcamp, Mendocino Woodlands, California, USA, 2010; traveling with Sunrise and a feltflower by Wuschelchen
[15] Scarlett, Sunrise & Montana; Northern part of Germany, Petis home
[16] Sunrise enjoys it's cappucchino, USA, 2018
[17] Bitterroot Valley, Montana, USA, 2018; hiking with Cypress
[18] CloudCatcher Reclaiming Witchcamp, Queensland, Australia, 2017 (© Luke Brohman)
[19] Vermont Witchcamp, USA, 2018
[20] Gold Coast, Queensland, Australia, 2017
[21] DragonRise Witchcamp, Wildways on the borle, Shropshire, UK, 2015
[22] The home of the pirates, Vermont Witchcamp, USA, 2018
[23] Photographed from the plane, Gold Coast, Queensland, Australia, 2017
[24] Winter Witchcamp, Ice labyrinth by Paul Eaves, Wisconsin, USA, 2012;
[25] Spanish Witchcamp, Sierra de gredos, España, 2010;
[26] Redwoods, California, USA, 2008
[27] Petis home; Goddess by RHEAsilvia,
[28] BC Witchcamp, Evans Lake, Canada, 2015
[29] DragonRise Witchcamp, Wildways on the borle, Shropshire, UK, 2015 & 2017
[30] DragonRise Witchcamp, Wildways on the borle, Shropshire, UK, 2019
[31] Yellow rose, 2010
[32] Free Activist Witchcamp, Washington State, USA 2007 & Oregon, USA, 2010; https://freeactivistwitchcamp.wordpre...
[33] Free Activist Witchcamp, Oregon, 2008 & California Witchcamp, 2010, USA
[34] Munich, Germany, 2020, © tiger
[35] Spiral in the woods, source unknown
[36] California Witchcamp, Mendocino Woodlands, California, USA, 2010
[37] Idaho, USA, 2008
[38] Northern part of Germany, Petis home
[39] JP Hartsong, died in 2011
[40] California Witchcamp, Mendocino Woodlands, California, USA, 2010
[41] Northern part of Germany, Petis home
[42] California Witchcamp, Mendocino Woodlands, California, USA, 2010
[43] Free Activist Witchcamp, Washington State, USA, 2007
[44] Northern part of Germany, Petis home
[45] CloudCatcher Reclaiming Witchcamp, Queensland, Australia, 2017
[46] California Witchcamp, Mendocino Woodlands, California, USA, 2010
[47] Portland, Oregon, USA, 2010
[48] Port Said, Egypt, 2020 (© Mostafa Naguip)
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