Songcatcher Videos
Sirdal, Norway, day 1
6. August 2024: Ankunft
August 6th, 2024: Arrival
Sirdal, Norway, day 2
07.08.2024: Räuchern & singen
08-07-2024: Smudging & singing
Sirdal, Norway, day 3
08.08.2024: Wandern & räuchern
08-08-2024: Hiking & smudging
Sirdal, Norway, day 4
09.08.2024: Wandern zum Fluss
08-09-2024: Hiking to the river
Sirdal, Norway, day 6
10.08.2024: Fahrt zum Fjord
08-10-2024: Journey to the fjord
Sirdal, Norway, day 7 & 8
12./13.08.2024: Abschied
08-12/13-2024: Fairwell
The stones are the bones of the earth
The stones are the bones of the earth - Brooke Medicine Eagle & friends
Circulos por la paz
Circulos por la paz. Recorded by Aline Castell Velasco, USA/CA, September 2015
Crowd Funding
Peti Songcatcher & friends - Crowd Funding für die 2. CD „Lieder zwischen Himmel & Erde
Sirdal, Norway, day 1

6. August 2024: Ankunft
August 6th, 2024: Arrival
August 6th, 2024: Arrival
Sirdal, Norway, day 2

07.08.2024: Räuchern & singen
08-07-2024: Smudging & singing
08-07-2024: Smudging & singing
Sirdal, Norway, day 3

08.08.2024: Wandern & räuchern
08-08-2024: Hiking & smudging
08-08-2024: Hiking & smudging
Sirdal, Norway, day 4

09.08.2024: Wandern zum Fluss
08-09-2024: Hiking to the river
08-09-2024: Hiking to the river
Sirdal, Norway, day 6

10.08.2024: Fahrt zum Fjord
08-10-2024: Journey to the fjord
08-10-2024: Journey to the fjord
Sirdal, Norway, day 7 & 8

12./13.08.2024: Abschied
08-12/13-2024: Fairwell
08-12/13-2024: Fairwell
The stones are the bones of the earth

The stones are the bones of the earth - Brooke Medicine Eagle & friends
Circulos por la paz

Circulos por la paz. Recorded by Aline Castell Velasco, USA/CA, September 2015
Crowd Funding

Peti Songcatcher & friends - Crowd Funding für die 2. CD „Lieder zwischen Himmel & Erde